I like it's look so it is the one we will use. In Daz Studio I am going to be using the Ogora figure from the vendor/artist RawArt. Future tutorials will deal with optimizations, and addressing some problems this tutorial will illustrate that we will want to tackle later. If you are familiar with Unity then this should be a piece of cake.
This tutorial assumes you have some basic familiarity with Unity, so if some parts are confusing you may want to play around with the basics first. We will then export that orc in an FBX format that we can then bring into Unity. In this tutorial we will make an orc, clothe the orc, and change the materials of the clothing inside of Daz Studio. I even make one mistake just so I can show you a difference and in anticipation of future tutorials. This is going to be the first tutorial for actually getting characters from Daz Studio into Unity to be used in games.